Prayers For Divine Direction.


                                                          Prayers For Divine Direction. 

As a Christian, you need divine direction before you take any step in life. ( proverb 14:12) God always lead His own people to the right direction. We need to always call upon God for divine direction for us to succeed in life. ( Psalm 5o:15.)

Many call upon friends, relatives, parents for directions and they are regretting it today. Do not make a decision or take a step without consulting God. Always try to call upon God concerning any decision you want to make in life. God can speak through audible voice ( Genesis 12:1-5) Visions (Genesis 46:2) Dreams (Psalm 107:20) Pastor and the Bible. 

Learn how to confirm everything from God and the sky will be your beginning. 

Prayer Section:

A. Thank God for your life and for what He will do in these prayers

B. Confess every of your known and unknown sins and that of your ancestors, ask for mercy and repent of them all.

C. Quality Praise And Worship


1. Almighty God, wash me and my family with your Blood in the name of Jesus 

2. Merciful God, show me and. My family your greater Mercy in the name of Jesus 

3. Almighty God, guide me from making foundational mistakes in my decision making concerning my life and family in the name of Jesus 

4. Our Lord have Mercy on me for placing my confidence in man concerning my life Destiny in the name of Jesus 

5. By your MERCY, save ME from every wrong decisions I have ever made in life that is affecting me now in the journey of destiny6

6. I reject every manipulation of the spirit of confusion in my life in the name of Jesus 

7. Satanic agents assigned to mislead me on a wrong direction in the Journey of Destiny die in the name  of Jesus 

8.Strangers in my body catch fire now in the name of Jesus

9. Almighty God, move me away from every form of distraction that has blocked my spiritual ears and eyes from divine instructions, visions concerning my life in the name of Jesus 

10. Any power leading me to the direction of destruction, release me now and die in the name of Jesus 

11. My father, redirect me now if am moving in a wrong direction in the name of Jesus 

12. My father, make known to me your proper direction concerning my life in the name of Jesus 

13. My father, teach me secret and deep things which I know not in the name of Jesus 

14. I bind the activities of spirit of disobedience in my life in the name of Jesus 

15. Lord Jesus, open up my spiritual understanding today and forever in the name of Jesus 

16. Father Lord, guide and direct me in knowing your mind concerning me in the name of Jesus 

17. My father, give me divine direction to fulfil my purpose in life in the name of Jesus 

18. Our God of Elizabeth, Arise and show me the right direction in the name of Jesus

19. Any good thing that is slow in my life, receive divine acceleration now by Fire 

20. Every forces of Egypt pulling back in life die in the name of Jesus

21.My Destiny hear the word of the Lord, you shall not expire in the wilderness in the name of Jesus

22. Power making good things to expire in my life die in the name of Jesus

23. Any grave open to swallow me, swallow all my enemies in the name of Jesus

24. I will not come down from where God has put me in the name of Jesus

25. Blood of Jesus, Arise and move me forward in the name of Jesus 

26. Evil arrows fired into my life backfire now in the name of Jesus

27. Mountain of impossibilities, come out of my life now by Fire in the name of Jesus

28. Power that want me to die in battle, die in the name of Jesus

29. Battles in my life die in the name of Jesus 

30. Bitterness in my life die in the name of Jesus 

31. Every ancient chains that tie me down break now by Fire in the name of Jesus

Pastor Teddy Omozegbai 

Call +2348034051701 +2348085989393

WhatsApp : +2348034051701


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